Introduction pre-empting accusations of crass materialism
Ted Noffs (co-founder of the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs, Lifeline, the Wayside Chapel and more) on John Singleton in 1977:

John Singleton, perhaps more than any other Australian in the latter part of the twentieth century, has helped Australians not only to discover their identity, but to celebrate it.

To the purists as far as the English language is concerned, John Singleton is public enemy number one. But to ordinary Australians who want to hear issues discussed in their own idiom, John Singleton and his panoply of ‘Australian speaking Australians’ makes a lot of sense.

And yet, to judge John Singleton in terms of his effect upon the Australian language, the advertising industry or new political ideals, is to miss the point of his message altogether. These are all somewhat superficial and passing questions in the life of any nation. The fundamental question is always one of spirituality. I emphasise spirituality and disregard the word ‘religion’. By spirituality I mean the total potential within a human being or within the life of a nation.

John Singleton, with all of his secular and seeming materialistic concerns, constantly demonstrates, to those who know him best, that here is a spiritual man who believes in the potential of this great nation. With his friend and colleague Bob Howard, I believe that John has written a book which will open many minds to the fact that Australia is asleep and it’s about time more of us woke up.

Singleton is a staff member of, because we employ his work. Bob Howard said in 1975, “John Singleton was the catalyst and driving force behind the formation of the [Workers] Party.” Singo said elsewhere, “I was the catalyst.” This was the Workers Party Platform! What lessons does the Workers Party hold for us? Read this, then browse below.

Does Singleton regret the Workers Party? No: “One of the things I’m proud of is that I was Australia’s most unsuccessful politician. And having met most of the successful ones I reckon that’s the ultimate accolade.” Moreover: “I knew we wouldn’t win an election or probably even a seat, (I was dead right), but the prime objective of the party was to make people think; to become a tool of education and I believe to that degree at least the party was successful. At least most of the public thought and having thought agreed if I wasn’t crazy at least I was a fair way down the track.”

(By the way, if the Workers Party was better known, then it would be true that Gina Rinehart Is Our Least Controversial Celebrity.” The mind boggles to think of anything more conducive to productive attention, especially if there is history to prove its sincerity.)

(a.) Singo and Howard’s book Rip Van Australia (1977) (85 items)
(b.) Workers Party on TV (4 items)
(c.) Workers Party in the print media (53 items)
(d.) Workers Party in freeEnterprise magazine (6 items)
(e.) Party Publications, Speeches and signed letters (31 items)
(f.) Other interesting political John Singleton articles (1969-91) (80 items)
(g.) Other Bob Howard writings
(h.) Historic John Singleton video (2 items — oh, so that interests you!)

(a.) Singo and Howard’s book Rip Van Australia (1977)

  1. Foreword — Lang Hancock’s foreword to Rip Van Australia
  2. Preface — Ted Noffs’ preface to Rip Van Australia
  3. Introduction — Singo and Howard introduce Rip Van Australia
  4. AAA Tow Truck Co. — AAA Tow Truck Co. A funny high-priority message for the opening entry of this alphabetical encyclopedia. Serves as another introduction. In fact, all entries for “A” serve as good introductions.
  5. Aborigines — Singo and Howard on Aborigines
  6. Academics — Holed up, hold-up and holdout
  7. Advertising — The Rip Van Australia advertising entry is almost identical to Singleton’s “Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Pty. Ltd. Advertising Agents,” in his These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 29-32, which he presented during a debate, “Advertising is Immoral,” held during the 1969 Seminar of the A.A.N.A.’s Victorian Branch on October 30. Also published in Advertising & Newspaper News, November 14, 1969, p. 4.
  8. Alternatives — The libertarian alternative vs the socialist status quo — “This new category of libertarianism is a genuine alternative. It eliminates the internal contradictions of both the Left and the Right stands and uses the best of both. It is a true philosophy of freedom — freedom in social affairs and freedom in economic affairs. The position of the Left is to somehow believe that if a person can smoke pot, be a homosexual and speak his or her mind, then that person is free — even though he or she might be told how much to earn, what businesses to start, under what conditions to work, and so on. For its part, the Right makes the opposite mistake (but again only in theory). It believes that if a person has freedom of enterprise then that person is free, and that this remains the case if at the same time his or her private personal behaviour is regulated. These are obvious contradictions, but very pervasive ones. Unfortunately, the situation is not helped by the fact that most people on the Left misunderstand what is meant by freedom of enterprise, and that most people on the Right don’t appreciate the far-reaching consequences of social regulation. We hope that the rest of this book can do something to throw some new light on this confusion.”
  9. Apathy — Singo and Howard on Apathy
  10. Aunty A.B.C. — Singo and Howard on Murdoch, Packer and Monopolistic Media — This is almost identical with what appeared earlier in: John Singleton, “Let the airwaves sing unfettered,” Nation Review, April 9-15, 1976, p. 632; and that was a rewritten version of: John Singleton, “The media mafia,” Advertising News, September 5, 1975, p. 8.
  11. Australia Party — Singo and Howard on the Greens
  12. Ballet
  13. Bureaucracy — Singo and Howard on Bureaucracy
  14. Business — Singo and Howard on Business
  15. Capitalism — Singo and Howard Explain Why Australia is Not a Capitalist Country
  16. Causes, Not Symptoms — Singo and Howard on Striking at the Root, and the Failure of Howard, the CIS and the IPA
  17. Census — The Census Con
  18. Civil Disobedience — Singo and Howard talk Civil Disobedience
  19. Communism — Singo and Howard Oppose Australian Participation in the Vietnam War
  20. Compromise — Singo and Howard on Compromise“The Liberal/N.C., Labor and Communist Parties at base all hold the same principles. They disagree over matters of degree and detail only. They all believe that the function of the State is to regulate the economy and to provide for the welfare of its citizens. In other words, they all accept the principle of government interference in the economy, and the principle of government welfare activity. But obviously, the Communists agree with a far greater degree of both than either the Labor or Liberal/N.C. Parties. Similarly, Labor wants a greater degree of both than the Liberal/N.C. Parties. The alternative principle of course, is not less government activity in these areas of welfare and deregulation, but no government activity. Less concedes the principle and haggles over the degree. No rejects the principle and all degrees.”
  21. Conservation — Singo and Howard Propose Privatising Bondi Beach
  22. Conservatism — Singo and Howard on Conservatism — “There isn’t much similarity between libertarians and conservatives and yet, too many still confuse the two. Probably the worst offenders are the conservatives themselves, who like to think of themselves as libertarians. Ronald Reagan for example, is fond of referring to himself as a libertarian. Malcolm Fraser has expressed his fondness for Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand has expressed her fondness of Malcolm Fraser. Obviously neither knows what the other is talking about.”
  23. Consistency — Singo and Howard on Consistency
  24. Consumer Protection — Singo and Howard on Consumer Protection
  25. Context — Singo and Howard on Context
  26. Corporate Capitalism — Singo and Howard on Corporate Capitalism
  27. Crime — Singo and Howard on Crime
  28. Criticism — An Ode to Busybodies — This also appears: without a title on the front page of the May 1977 Progress Party of New South Wales newsletter; with the title, “And God created the rose,” in Advertising News, February 15, 1974, p. 4; plus, according to here, “it was recorded and set to music by close friend John Laws who played it on his radio program on Monday [March 19, 1979].” Anyone have a recording please?
  29. Daylight Saving — Singo and Howard on the big issue of Daylight Saving
  30. Decency — Singo and Howard on Decency
  31. Democracy — Singo and Howard Call Democracy Tyrannical
  32. Discrimination — Singo and Howard on Discrimination
  33. Drugs — Singo and Howard on Drugs!
  34. Education — Singo and Howard on Education
  35. Fascism — Singo and Howard call Australia fascist and worse
  36. Festival of Light — John Singleton and Howard on Fred Nile, Festival of Light, FamilyVoice Australia and the Christian Lobby
  37. Fittest, Survival of the — Capitalism: Survival of the Fittest
  38. Foreign Investment — Singo and Howard Like Foreign Investment
  39. Freedom — Singo and Howard on Freedom from Government and Other Criminals
  40. Gambling — Singo and Howard: Gambling Should Neither Be Illegal Nor Taxed
  41. Government — John Singleton and Howard on Government Largesse — “For anything to be done, however, more and more people need to be educated about the issues involved. As people become aware of the futility of expecting governments to solve problems; of the dangers of increasing the size, cost, and power of governments; of the enormous size and power governments have already; and the alternatives to the simple knee-jerk reflex, then we might start to get somewhere. We also might get nowhere. But it used to be Australian to give it a go. At least we should all do that.”
  42. Guerrilla Warfare — Counterculture must exclude government handouts
  43. Gun Control — Singo and Howard on Gun Control
  44. Health — Singo and Howard Expose how Government Healthcare Controls Legislate Doctors into Slavery“It cannot be said if a government is elected by popular vote on the platform of providing a comprehensive health scheme that it has a ‘mandate’ to do so. The most that could be said is that it has a right to organise one for those who specifically voted for it, and only at their expense.”
  45. History — Singo and Howard Blame Roosevelt for Pearl Harbour
  46. Homosexuality — Singo and Howard Engage with Homosexuality
  47. Human Nature — Singo and Howard on Human Nature — “Unfortunately, it is probably true to say that a modern welfare state like Australia is more destructive of human values than an outright dictatorship. At least under a dictator, an oppressed people are united against a clear and common enemy and human values survive and even prosper. But under a welfare State, where everyone competes at the public trough for ‘benefits’, person is pitted against person, group against group, industry against industry. Under these conditions, envy, greed, jealousy, bitterness, hate and fear prosper. There is no united front, no camaraderie, no common struggle. There is only pressure group warfare, and bitter divisiveness.”
  48. Idealism and Crackpot Realism — Singo and Howard Speak Out Against the Crackpot Realism of the CIS and IPA
  49. Inherited Wealth — Singo and Howard on Inherited Wealth
  50. Journalism — Singo and Howard Demand Repeal of Libel and Slander Laws
  51. Justice — Singo and Howard on Justice
  52. Knee-Jerks — Singo and Howard on Knee-Jerks
  53. Labor Party — Singo and Howard on the Labor Party
  54. Law — Singo and Howard Admit that Liberals Advocate and Commit Crime
  55. Liberal/National Country Parties — Singo and Howard Oppose the Liberal Party
  56. Licences — Singo and Howard on Licences
  57. Lobbies — Singo and Howard on Tax Hunts
  58. Mining and Minerals — Singo and Howard Defend Miners Against Government
  59. Monarchy — John Singleton and Howard say monarchy should be funded by monarchists alone
  60. Monopolies — Singo and Howard on Monopolies
  61. Nationalism — Singo and Howard Decry Australia Day
  62. Non-Interference — Singo and Howard on Non-Interference
  63. Olympic Games — Singo and Howard: Australia Should Pull Out of the Olympics
  64. Politicians — Singo and Howard Hate Politicians“We neither like nor trust them, yet we continue to give them more and more power over our lives and property.”
  65. Pollution — Singo and Howard Explain that Pure Capitalism Solves Pollution
  66. Post Office — Return Australia Post to Sender
  67. Profits — Singo and Howard on Profits, Super Profits and Natural Disasters
  68. Qualifications — Singo and Howard on Qualifications
  69. Rights — Singo and Howard on Rights
  70. Roads — Singo and Howard Support Sydney Harbour Bridge Restructure
  71. Secession — Singo, Howard and Hancock Want to Secede — After the third paragraph, this is a reprint of Lang Hancock, “Go West Young Man,” The Australian GP, February, 1977, pp. 10-11.
  72. Socialism — Singo and Howard on Totalitarian Socialism and Voluntary Socialism
  73. State, The — Singo and Howard Smash the State
  74. Taxation — Rip Van Australia on Ripoff Vandals Taxing Australia — Excerpt: “The battle cry of the American Revolution in 1776 was ‘No taxation without representation’. If they could have seen what taxation is like with representation, they might not have bothered!”
  75. Tolerance — Singo and Howard beg for tolerance
  76. Transport, Public — Singo and Howard Demand End to Public Transport
  77. Unemployment — Singo and Howard on Unemployment
  78. Unions — Singo and Howard on Unions
  79. Utilities, Public — Singo and Howard on Public Utilities
  80. Voting — Singo and Howard on Voting“What’s the point of arguing over whether or not the government performs certain operations efficiently or not, when it can be shown that they really have no right to be performing them at all?”
  81. Welfare — Singo and Howard Join Forces to Dismantle Welfare State“No one has a right to welfare, because all welfare is paid for by other people. To admit such a right would, to that extent, turn those who pay it into slaves.”
  82. Women’s Lib — Singo and Howard on Women’s Lib
  83. Workers Party — Singo and Howard Endorse the Workers Party
  84. Xenophobia — Singo and Howard on Xenophobia
  85. Young, The — Singo and Howard on Young People

(b.) Workers Party on TV

  1. ABC TV’s Monday Conference interview with John Singleton and Bob Howard, broadcast on February 1o, 1975. Transcript.
  2. Policy speech delivered by Mr David Russell, leader of the Workers Party Queensland Senate Team, on Brisbane Television, December 6, 1975. Transcript.
  3. VIDEO of the Workers Party Reunion in Sydney, November 2011. Transcript for the intro of that video is here.
  4. Neville Kennard talks a bit about his Workers Party experience.

(c.) Workers Party in the print media

  1. Gavin Souter, “‘A beautiful time to be starting a new party’: Rand fans believe every man for himself,” The Sydney Morning Herald, October 19, 1974, p. 9. (Also this Monday Conference appearance of Maureen Nathan took place after this article and before the Workers Party launch, so I think it is worth mentioning here.)
  2. Guest from the West,” The Australian, January 9, 1975, p. 7.
  3. John Henningham, “New party will not tolerate bludgers: Radical party against welfare state,” The Australian, January 27, 1975, pp. 1-2. On the launch.
  4. Party Promises to Abolish Tax,” The Daily Telegraph, January 27, 1975, p. 4. On the launch.
  5. Govt ‘villian’ in eyes of new party,” The Sydney Morning Herald, January 27, 1975, p. 2. On the launch.
  6. Philip McIntosh, “New party formed ‘to slash controls’,” The Age, January 27, 1975, p. 3. On the launch.
  7. Workers Party is born as foe of government,” The Canberra Times, January 27, 1975, p. 3. On the launch.
  8. Government seen by new party as evil,” The West Australian, January 27, 1975, p. 4. On the launch.
  9. Editorial, “Voices of frustration,” The Australian, January 28, 1975, p. 6. Responded to by Mark Tier in the next item.
  10. Mark Tier, “Policies of Workers Party,” The Australian, February 6, 1975, p. 6, as a letter to the editor.
  11. Ben Jasper, “A party is born,” National Miner, February 3, 1975, p. 2, 16. On the launch. Interestingly no mention of Singleton or Hancock. Maybe Singleton was not so famous in W.A. and Hancock (publisher of National Miner) might have suggested that his own name be left out.
  12. David Biff, “Workers conned again,” Nation Review, January 31-February 6, 1975, p. 421. Responded to in Mark Tier, “Up the workers,” Nation Review, February 21-27, 1975, p. 486, as a letter to the editor.
  13. Lenore Nicklin, “Introducing the new Workers’ Party …,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 6, 1975, p. 5.
  14. John Miles, “Workers Party is ‘not just a funny flash in the pan’,” The Advertiser, February 7, 1975, p. 5. John Whiting stars.
  15. Political branch formed,” The Courier-Mail, February 26, 1975, p. 25. On the Brisbane branch of the Workers Party. Starring Viv Forbes.
  16. Lang Hancock, “SPRUCE UP THE LIBERALS OR LET THE WEST SECEDE,” National Miner, March 31, 1975, p. 9. Critically appraises the Workers Party. Excerpt: “Egged on by starry-eyed idealists, imbued with a genuine reforming zeal to retrieve Australia from the present mess, they have launched their new party with a misunderstood name and unfortunately aimed their philosophy over the heads of the average voter.” “However,” says Hancock, “what they lack in political expertise they more than make up for in honesty of intention and enthusiasm, so on this basis they are worth support when one considers that the way is open for them to succeed if for no reason other than by default on the part of the Liberal Party.”
  17. Ailsa Craig, “John Singleton: He believes in the Workers Party (otherwise he wouldn’t be doing this commercial),” Woman’s Day, April 21, 1975, pp. 43-48. Excerpt: “A Workers Party government in Canberra would figuratively nail a notice over the doors of parliament house, informing the people that ‘Taxation is theft’.”
  18. Patricia Johnson, “Singleton: the White Kight of Ockerdom,” Cleo, June 1975, pp. 57-59. Much of that is of interest, in particular: “Our platform is bound to be unpopular in lots of ways but it’s not constructed to be popular or even to win; it’s constructed so that people are educated to know what is really happening under a socialistic government.”
  19. Maxwell Newton student newspaper interview on the Workers Party — “‘Too bloody bad, if anyone gets mangled’: Max Newton talks to Ash Long,” Farrago (Melbourne University Student Union), June 4, 1975, pp. 13-14.
  20. The Bulletin on Maxwell Newton as Workers Party national spokesman on economics and politics — Anonymous “People” column, The Bulletin, July 12, 1975, p. 30.
  21. Harry M. Miller and The Australian disgrace themselves — Harry M. Miller, “Curing our malaise,” The Australian, October 21, 1975, p. 10.
  22. Mark Tier, “Libertarians: Radicals on the right,” Politics, vol. X, no. 2, November, 1975, pp. 164-68. Excerpt: “An example of the world-wide growth of the libertarian movement is the formation of the Workers Party in Sydney on 26 January, 1975. Its platform was partly based on the US LP’s platform. US LPers have had nothing but praise for it — and are now utilising it as the basis for re-writing their own.”
  23. John Singleton on the first election the Workers Party contested — “New party’s chief: Not good enough,” The West Australian, November 3, 1975, p. 12. On the Greenough by-election results. They got 13 percent of the vote, which was only 44 votes less than Labor. It was their first and best result, except for a later election with the same candidate I think.
  24. James Henderson, “The ‘Workers’ speak out,” Nation Review, November 7-13, 1975, p. 83. On the Greenough by-election again.
  25. Niccolo, “Tiny Workers’ Party gives us a hint,” National Miner, November 10, 1975, p. 6. On the Greenough by-election yet again.
  26. Janet Hawley, “Bludgers need not apply,” The Australian, November 29, 1975, p. 27. John Singleton, Sinclair Hill and Mark Tier star.
  27. Philip Cornford, “Hancock’s playing very hard to get,” The Australian, December 2, 1975, p. 4. Excerpt: “Mr Hancock, however, has given his personal support to the Workers’ Party, but only in its campaign outside Western Australia. He likes their economic policy but, for reasons of his own, won’t publicly back them in his home state. Last week he spent four days in the Northern Territory ferrying the WP’s two Senate candidates around at 600 mph and 40,000ft in his seven-seat private plane.”
  28. Malcolm Turnbull says “the Workers party is a force to be reckoned with” — Malcolm Turnbull, “Workers party policy: open slather on the right,” Nation Review, December 5-11, 1975, p. 193.
  29. A few chukkas in the Senate for polo ace?,” North West Magazine (NSW), week commencing December 8, 1975, p. 2. Sinclair Hill stars.
  30. Selwyn Parker, “Giving a chukka to the Workers Party,” The Sydney Morning Herald, December 11, 1975, p. 7. Sinclair Hill stars.
  31. Richard Hall in his regular column in The Bulletin, December 27, 1975-January 3, 1976, p. 18, followed by responses from Mike Stanton and Judith James a few weeks later. This is all archived here. The topic is what the election results mean for the Workers Party.
  32. Graham Williams, “Right-wing anarchists revamping libertarian ideology,” The Sydney Morning Herald, March 23, 1976, p. 8. Internal party friction discussed. Response in next item.
  33. Richard Court, “The Workers Party,” The Sydney Morning Herald, April 1, 1976, p. 6, as a letter to the editor.
  34. John Singleton, “The bold and boring Lib-Lab shuffle,” Nation Review, April 23-29, 1976, p. 681. Discusses some of the Workers Party NSW state policies.
  35. Charles W. Russell, Country Crisis (Brisbane, Australia; W. R. Smith & Paterson, 1976), pp. 384-89, ch. 31, “Country Rejuvenation.” On the Workers Party as the best chance for country folk.
  36. Whiting vs Singleton — John Singleton, “The $100-a-plate sleepathon,” The Bulletin, April 23, 1977, p. 14; John Whiting, “Still Workers Party,” The Bulletin, May 14, 1977, pp. 6-9, as a letter to the editor; and Peter Sawyer, “Progress Party replies,” The Bulletin, June 11, 1977, p. 8, as a letter to the editor. On the Workers Party to Progress Party name change.
  37. Elizabeth Riddell, “… OTHERWISE I WOULDN’T DO THESE COMMERCIALS,” Australian MEN Vogue, May/June 1977, pp. 48-50. Profile of John Singleton, discusses the Workers Party.
  38. John Hurst, “Max Newton: Maverick in Exile,” Nation Review, July 21-27, 1977, p. 11. “‘I did that for a mate, John Singleton (Chairman of the Party), who wanted me to give him a hand. It was a real pain. Journalists should be outside the whole political thing.’ (Max fell out with the Workers Party when he referred to Jim Spigelman, secretary of Whitlam’s media department, as ‘a little Jew boy’.)”
  39. Lenore Nicklin, “Why John Singleton can’t keep a straight face,” The Sydney Morning Herald, August 20, 1977, p. 11.
  40. Ken Day, “Time for progress,” Nation Review, September 1-7, 1977, p. 2, as a letter to the editor.
  41. William Bartlett, “The loonie right implodes,” Nation Review, September 22-28, 1977, p. 9. More on the Workers Party-Progress Party “split”.
  42. John Singleton-Ita Buttrose interview — “… yes, but what’s he really like?,” The Australian Women’s Weekly, September 7, 1977, pp. 11-13.
  43. ‘Cannot underestimate’ people’s stupidity,” The Canberra Times, May 19, 1978, p. 9. A write-up of John Singleton’s speech to the annual council of the Australian Liberal Students Association and his critical reflections on the Workers Party. Is there a Liberal Students publication that would have published the speech notes or transcript?
  44. Progress Party and Workers Party lead The Australian — Viv Forbes, “Progress,” The Australian, July 25, 1978, p. 8, as a letter to the editor.
  45. Nancy Berryman, “VIOLENCE, TV BAN, DRINK — SINGO SPEAKS HIS MIND,” The Sun-Herald, March 25, 1979, p. 9. “One of the things I’m proud of is that I was Australia’s most unsuccessful politician. And having met most of the successful ones I reckon that’s the ultimate accolade.”
  46. Elizabeth Johnston, “The Progress Party has rhyme on its side,” The Australian, April 17, 1979, p. 3. Starring Ken Hood and Viv Forbes. Discussed in the editorial on the same day, included in previous link.
  47. Bob Howard, “Up the Workers!: they stood for legalised drugs, no taxation, abolition of government welfare and free education … but somehow the libertarians lost their head,” Australian Playboy, May, 1979, pp. 105-10.
  48. John Hyde’s Progress Party praise — John Hyde, “New conservative party would only sell snake oil,” The Weekend Australian, January 18-19, 1986, p. 31. Excerpt: “The proposal is very different from the Progress Party which never won a seat, but seeded ideas which are now changing politics. The Progress Party concentrated on ideas rather than interests.”
  49. John Singleton’s 1986 reflection on the Workers Party — Errol Simper, “A penchant for parties,” The Australian, July 28, 1986, p. 9. Excerpt: “Singleton looks back on the Workers Party as ‘sheer lunacy’ and ‘the biggest waste of time and money I ever got into’. ‘I don’t regret it,’ he says. ‘I don’t think I regret anything. But it really was total bloody lunacy. I reckon we ended up with about the same number of votes as we had paid-up members. If I helped anyone I helped Malcolm Fraser get in, and what a disaster he was. What a dreadful failure. He ended up adopting most of Whitlam’s policies anyway.'”
  50. Viv Forbes, “The Tide Turning?The Optimist, Nov/Dec 1986, pp. 5-8.
  51. Corrections to typical commentaries on Lang Hancock and the Workers Party — “Hancock and the Workers,” The Australian, April 1, 1992, p. 10, as two letters to the editor; the first by Bill Stacey, the second by Roger Wickham. Excerpt: “Finally, ‘… the misnamed Workers Party’. Misnamed? How? Why? In whose opinion beside yours? Does that mean that the Labor, Liberal and Democrat parties are correctly named — or would you just care to explain what you do mean?”
  52. Sinclair Hill calls for dropping a neutron bomb on Canberra — John Huxley, “SINCLAIR HILL: NOT YOUR AVERAGE BUSHIE,” The Sydney Morning Herald, June 12, 1993, p. 39.
  53. Ron Manners, “Our Very Own Political Party,” chapter in his Heroic Misadventures (West Perth: Mannwest Group, 2009), pp. 121-149.

(d.) Workers Party in freeEnterprise magazine

  1. R.A. Howard, “A Real Alternative,” freeEnterprise, December 1974-January 1975, p. 1.
  2. On the writing of the Workers Party platform and the differences between the 1975 Australian and American libertarian movements — Mark Tier, “An Idea Whose Time Has Come,” freeEnterprise, November, 1975, pp. 4-6.
  3. Merilyn Giesekam, “A Farewell to Armchair Critics,” freeEnterprise, March, 1976, pp. 1-2.
  4. Who’s Who in the W.P.,” freeEnterprise, March, 1976, pp. 4-5.
  5. FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH: An interview with Bob Howard,” freeEnterprise, March, 1976, pp. 5-6.
  6. Mark Tier, “The W.P. is a Political Party,” freeEnterprise, March, 1976, pp. 7-8.

(e.) Party Publications, Speeches and signed letters

  1. Workers Party Platform
  2. Workers Party Economic Policy Statement, December 1975, republished with a new introduction in John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), pp. 140-55, as “The Workers Party (Later Progress Party)”.
  3. Notes from Lang Hancock’s address at the Workers Party Gala Dinner
  4. John Whiting’s Inaugural Workers Party Presidential Address
  5. Duncan Yuille, “Medical monopoly,” The Bulletin, April 19, 1975, p. 7, as a letter to the editor. This, a Paul Hogan letter and a few Ron Manners letters are collected here.
  6. David Russell Leads 1975 Workers Party Queensland Senate Team
  7. Ken Day, “Friedman was right,” The Australian Financial Review, April 1, 1976, pp. 2-3, as a letter to the editor. Mentions Ludwig von Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, Milton Friedman and David Friedman.
  8. Viv Forbes, “Vision based on freedom,” The Australian Financial Review, April 20, 1976, p. 10, as a letter to the editor.
  9. Charles Russell, “The last words of Charles Russell,” The Bulletin, November 5, 1977, pp. 28-29, as an anonymous ad. This is the most brilliant and dramatic speech ever made.
  10. Bob Howard, “The Road to Where?,” Libertarian Optimism: Newsletter of the Progress Party of New South Wales, March, 1978, p. 1-2.
  11. Ron Manners, “Thoughts on Land Ownership” and “Such Refreshing Manners!” Workers Party Bulletin (South Australia), June 1978, p. 5.
  12. Viv Forbes, “At a loss,” The Australian, October 12, 1978, p. 6, as a letter to the editor.
  13. Viv Forbes, “Barriers,” The Australian, November 14, 1978, p. 8, as a letter to the editor.
  14. Paul Rackemann 1980 Progress Party Election Speech
  15. Viv Forbes, “HEALING THYSELF,” The Australian, January 11, 1979, p. 6, as a letter to the editor.
  16. Viv Forbes, “Mine control,” The Australian, May 4, 1979, p. 8, as a letter to the editor. This and the following three items are compiled here.
  17. Viv Forbes, “Growing big — a public service?,” The Weekend Australian, June 2-3, 1979, p. 12, as a letter to the editor.
  18. Viv Forbes, “Political gifts,” The Australian, August 27, 1979, p. 8, as a letter to the editor.
  19. Viv Forbes, “Better idea,” The Australian, November 21, 1979, p. 8, as a letter to the editor.
  20. Viv Forbes, “Right on the move,” The Bulletin, November 27, 1979, p. 6, as a letter to the editor. Excerpt: “Had you bothered to venture into the frontier States two years ago, you would have noticed the birth of a radical political movement called the Progress Party. You would have seen them get an average 10 percent of the vote across every electorate in the Northern Territory. You would have seen regular grass-roots support of 5 percent, 10 percent and 15 percent among the farmers of Geraldton, the graziers of Dalby, the dairymen of Gympie and the suburbanites of Mount Coot-tha in Brisbane. You would have seen a new breed of councillors appearing in Shire and City Halls as far apart as Kalgoorlie, Ipswich and Charters Towers. You would have noticed a growing philosophical confidence among the maverick spokesmen for the ratepayers, the taxpayers and the consumers.”
  21. Election ‘illusion’,” The Canberra Times, April 21, 1980. p. 9, starring Viv Forbes.
  22. Viv Forbes, “Limit on ‘free enterprise’,” The Australian Financial Review, July 22, 1980, p. 13, as a letter to the editor.
  23. Viv Forbes, “Govt action hurts business,” The Australian Financial Review, August 6, 1980, p. 13, as a letter to the editor.
  24. Are you a real friend of the ABC? — Viv Forbes, “Money to burn?,” The Bulletin, August 5, 1980, p. 18, as a letter to the editor. Excerpt: “It would seem fairly obvious that most people would prefer not to have their viewing interrupted by advertising. They would also prefer free housing and hot dogs and beer.”
  25. Viv Forbes, “The mouse will roar,” The Australian, September 3, 1980, p. 6, as a letter to the editor, on tax evasion.
  26. Viv Forbes, “Govt stifles business,” The Australian Financial Review, September 18, 1980, p. 11, as a letter to the editor.
  27. Poll speech sets record,” The Courier-Mail, October 7, 1980, p. 3, starring Viv Forbes.
  28. Viv Forbes, “Taxes on all but sex,” The Bulletin, October 14, 1980, pp. 17-18, as a letter to the editor.
  29. Viv Forbes, “Just one memo,” The Australian Financial Review, November 12, 1980, p. 13, as a letter to the editor.
  30. Save the taxpayers,” The Sydney Morning Herald, June 6, 1982, p. 25, “News Digest” section, starring Viv Forbes.
  31. The party that stands by its word,” The Age, February 16, 1983, p. 15. Excerpt: “‘Policy speeches are a non-event for us’, Mr Viv Forbes said. ‘Not one word has changed in our policy since 1977.'”

(f.) Other interesting political John Singleton writings (1969-91)

  1. John Singleton’s first two “Think” columns in Newspaper News, 1969: “Do Admen Know the Rules?,” May 2, 1969, p. 10; and “Ads lack good selling ideas,” May 16, 1969, p. 8. The May 2 was republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), p. 7-8, as “First the rules”.
  2. John Singleton, “Product innovation comes first,” Newspaper News, May 30, 1969, p. 6. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), p. 9-10.
  3. John Singleton schools ad course — John Singleton, “The blackboard jingle,” Advertising & Newspaper News, June 27, 1969, p. 21.
  4. John Singleton, “New improved moon,” Advertising & Newspaper News, August 22, 1969, p. 4. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), p. 16.
  5. John Singleton, “AWARDS SEEKING APPLAUSE,” Advertising & Newspaper News, September 5, 1969, p. 6. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), p. 17.
  6. John Singleton, “Protect who from a ‘mindless’ wife?,” Advertising & Newspaper News, September 19, 1969, p. 4. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 20-21.
  7. John Singleton, “Announcing people … YES, people!,” Advertising & Newspaper News, October 3, 1969, p. 4. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 22-23.
  8. Creativity in advertising must be pointed dead on target — John Singleton, “A Parade of skills … but not of Products,” Advertising & Newspaper News, October 17, 1969, p. 4. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 24-25.
  9. John Singleton in 1971 on the 2010 Federal Election — John Singleton, These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 26-28, as “At Last the 1948 Show.” Originally published as “At last the 1948 show …,” Advertising & Newspaper News, October 31, 1969, p. 4.
  10. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John Pty. Ltd. Advertising Agents — John Singleton, These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 29-32, which is an address by John Singleton during a debate, “Advertising is Immoral,” held during the 1969 Seminar of the A.A.N.A.’s Victorian Branch on October 30. Also republished in: Advertising & Newspaper News, November 14, 1969, p. 4; and Rip Van Australia (Stanmore, NSW: Cassell Australia, 1977), pp. 6-9, as “Advertising”.
  11. John Singleton on barriers to, and opportunities for, effective communication — John Singleton, “Barriers to effective communication,” Advertising & Newspaper News, November 28, 1969, p. 4; and John Singleton, “Opportunities for effective communication,” Advertising & Newspaper News, December 19, 1969, p. 4. Republished in Singleton’s These Thoughts are Genuine (Kensington, NSW: Blake & Batcheler, 1971), pp. 33-36.
  12. John Singleton, “Gortlam rides again,” Advertising & Newspaper News, November 27, 1970, p. 4. Excerpt: “the marketing of both these major political products is so badly done that either or both could be replaced by another product.”
  13. John Singleton, “Thou shalt know the facts … before thou shoot off thou mouth,” in These Thoughts are Genuine, pp. 41-44. Explains why the Reverend Barrie Howard did TV ads for Norman Ross discount stores.
  14. John Singleton, “Charity: An Aesop Fable,” in These Thoughts are Genuine, pp. 95-96. Excerpt: “I have come to the conclusion that the people who do least good for the community are those who would pretend to do the most.”
  15. John Singleton, “CANCER COUNTRY,” Advertising & Newspaper News, May 14, 1971, p. 4. On cigarette advertising. Republished in These Thoughts are Genuine, pp. 107-08.
  16. John Singleton, “I think that I shall never see a telegraph pole as lovely as a tree,” Advertising & Newspaper News, July 9, 1971, p. 4. Best autobiographical article.
  17. John Singleton on the ad industry, consumerism and innovation — John Singleton, “The days of miracles: have they passed?,” Advertising & Newspaper News, July 23, 1971, p. 4.
  18. John Singleton mocks university students on civil liberties and freedom of choice — John Singleton, “Freedom of Choice,” Advertising News, October 22, 1971, p. 4.
  19. John Singleton on trading stamps, idiot housewives and government — John Singleton, “Remember trading stamps?,” Advertising News, November 26, 1971, p. 4.
  20. John Singleton vs Ralph Nader on Consumer Protection — John Singleton, “Mr. Ralph Nader,” Advertising News, August 20, 1971, p. 4; and John Singleton, “Mr. Ralph zzzzzz,” Advertising News, July 7, 1972, p. 20.
  21. John Singleton on 1972’s Cigarette Legislation — Excerpts from John Singleton’s column in Advertising News, April 28, 1972, pp. 4, 19.
  22. John Singleton, “The Death of the Newspaper,” Advertising News, May 26, 1972, p. 4.
  23. John Singleton, “AND NOW McWHITLAM,” Advertising News, November 24, 1972, p. 4. On Australian political advertising.
  24. John Singleton, “See you later, Bryce,” Advertising News, December 8, 1972, p. 4. Upon Bryce Courtenay leaving Australian advertising.
  25. John Singleton, “Censorship should be banned,” Advertising News, March 30, 1973, p. 4.
  26. John Singleton on Advertising — John Singleton, “Like the garage attendant picture, it isn’t true,” The Australian, March 5, 1974, p. 23.
  27. John Singleton, “The great Labor Party platform: first or last, everybody wins a prize,” Advertising News, April 26, 1974, p. 4. Excerpt: “It would probably be good to have an intelligent alternative. A chance to register a protest vote against both parties.”
  28. John Singleton, “The politics of marketing – laugh now, pay later,” Advertising News, June 21, 1974, p. 4.
  29. “Listen, mate, a socialist is a bum” — Phil Cornford, “MILLIONAIRE TELLS WHY HE PLANNED LIB TV ADS,” Daily Telegraph, May 2, 1974, p. 3.
  30. Phillip Adams, “Simpleton sells his poll philosophy,” The Age, May 11, 1974, p. 9 — typical Phillip Adams journalism, avoids addressing any of Singleton’s arguments and shows no interest in genuine debate.
  31. Dennis Minogue, “How those Liberal ads came to life,” The Age, May 16, 1974, p. 8. An interview with John Singleton about his commercials for the 1974 Federal Election. Excerpt: “If anybody can satisfactorily define the difference between socialism and communism I will retract everything I’ve done.”
  32. Singleton vs Snedden — John Singleton, “Liberal Party commercials,” The Sydney Morning Herald, June 13, 1974, p. 6, as a letter to the editor.
  33. John Singleton and Gordon Alexander, “These Elections Were Genuine,” Quadrant, January-February, 1975, pp. 36-96. On his 1974 Federal Liberal Election Campaign Ads, their production, content and reception. A similar version is in John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), pp. 95-111, as “The 1974 Federal Elections: Authorised by Sir Robert Askin on Behalf of the Liberal Party”.
  34. John Singleton on refusing to do business with criminals and economic illiterates — John Singleton, “If I were a client,” Advertising News, May 2, 1975, p. 4. Excerpt: “How can my agency possibly consider competing for the Labor Party account to help promote this Socialist Party back into power?”
  35. How John Singleton Would Make Tony Abbott Prime Minister — John Singleton, “How Malcolm Fraser will become Prime Minister: A two-year non-marketing programme,” Quadrant, June, 1975, pp. 33-35.
  36. John Singleton, “The Sir Robert Askin Story, Slippers and All,” Quadrant, September, 1975, pp. 75-77.
  37. John Singleton defends ockerism — John Singleton, “Ockers triumphant — they are us,” Nation Review, April 2-8, 1976, p. 608.
  38. John Singleton, “The bold and boring Lib/Lab shuffle,” Nation Review, April 23-29, 1976, p. 681.
  39. John Singleton, “The great consumer protection trick,” Nation Review, May 28-June 3, 1976, p. 802. An earlier version titled, “The consumer protection confidence trick,” was published in 1975 over two issues of Advertising News: October 3, pp. 6-7; and October 17, pp. 8-9. Also in John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), pp. 68-73, as “And Now Announcing Consumer Protection”.
  40. Shit State Subsidised Schooling Should Cease Says Singo — John Singleton, “The day the parents became citizens,” Nation Review, August 6-12, 1976, p. 1044.
  41. John Singleton, “How the whores pretend to be nuns,” Nation Review, August 27-September 2, 1976, p. 1116.
  42. John Singleton, “How many tits in a tangle?,” Nation Review, September 10-16, 1976, p. 1162.
  43. Wayne Garland, “Wayne Garland on John Singleton on Advertising,” Quadrant, October, 1976, pp. 27-29.
  44. Singo Incites Civil Disobedience — John Singleton, “Twisting the tail of paper tigers,” The Bulletin, October 30, 1976, pp. 82-83. Read to the end of that document for the glorious outpouring of hate and rebellion from Ron Manners and others that this article brought forth. And at the very end is republished Singleton’s restatement a few years later from Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), p. 64, the chapter titled “Some of the Joys of Running a Business”.
  45. John Singleton, “The impossible dream,” Nation Review, December 9-15, 1976, p. 187.
  46. John Singleton, “Why can’t I get away with it?,” Nation Review, January 13-19, 1977, p. 303.
  47. John Singleton wants the Post Office sold and anti-discrimination legislation scrapped — John Singleton, “Two novels for the price of one,” The Australian, March 2, 1977, p. 8, in the “Forum” box, which is a featured opinion piece or letter to the editor, on the same page as the editorial and the letters to the editor.
  48. John Singleton, “A speech from the Titanic,” The Australian, March 9, 1977, p. 8, in the “Forum” box.
  49. John Singleton, “A crime must have a victim,” The Australian, March 16, 1977, p. 8, in the “Forum” box.
  50. John Singleton vs Australia Post — John Singleton, “Why every post’s a loser,” The Australian, March 24, 1977, p. 8, in the “Forum” box.
  51. John Singleton, “Minimum wages the killer,” The Australian, March 31, 1977, p. 8, in the “Forum” box.
  52. Mike Agostini, “Promoter sees profit in Games,” The Sun-Herald, April 17, 1977, p. 93. Singo’s pitch to head the Sydney 1988 Olympics and to run it for profit.
  53. John Singleton, “Has Fraser got his priorities all wrong?,” The Australian, May 23, 1977, p. 6, in the “Forum” box.
  54. John Singleton says “the royal family should be flogged to the U.S.” — John Singleton, “While the empire sinks into the east,” The Australian, May 30, 1977, p. 6, in the “Forum” box.
  55. John Singleton vs Don Chipp and the Australian Democrats — John Singleton, “Don’s party is a fancy-dress affair that’s just a bit more trendy,” The Australian, June 6, 1977, p. 6, in the “Forum” box. Excerpt: “The best thing we can hope for is that with all the parties in the middle of the road one day, they might all have a head-on collision and with any luck there may be no survivors.”
  56. Don Groves, “Ocker Singo Seeks Another Super Sell on New TV Show With Some Mates,” The Sun-Herald, January 21, 1979, p. 11. See also Clyde Packer, No Return Ticket (North Ryde, NSW; Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1984), pp. 127: “John Singleton, who was running a sort of interview programme on Sydney’s Channel Ten at that time, asked [Maxwell] Newton to become a permanent guest.”
  57. John Singleton vs Don Lane — Pip James and Suellen O’Grady, “On the Lane to Singleton,” The Weekend Australian Magazine, February 16-17, 1979, p. 6.
  58. John Singleton, True Confessions (Stanmore: Cassell Australia, 1979), pp. 65-67, the chapter titled “Talking of Government Stupidities,” which talks about anti-discrimination laws. Excerpt: “Like, I personally couldn’t give a stuff whether people were black, blue, brindle or where they come from or where they’re going. But if someone, say a Jewish person, doesn’t want to employ, say an Australian, because the last 25 Aussies he has employed haven’t bothered to lob, surely that is his right. Like it is his money. And Australians have become a race of bludgers.”
  59. Mr Singleton Goes to Canberra for Australian Playboy — John Singleton, “Is there an MP in the House?,” Australian Playboy, July 1979, pp. 62-66. Singo on baby-kissers for Playboy.
  60. Undeserved handouts make Australia the lucky country — John Singleton, “The real story behind WA’s ‘race riots’,” The Bulletin, October 9, 1979, pp. 22-24.
  61. John Singleton, “A happy story about Aborigines,” The Bulletin, November 13, 1979, pp. 76-81.
  62. Bill Mellor, “How Singo coaxed Big Mal to smile,” The Sun-Herald, March 16, 1980, p. 15.
  63. King Leonard of Hutt River Declares Defensive Just War Against Australia the Aggressor — John Singleton, “It’s King Len, the Lionheart,” Daily Mirror, June 11, 1980, p. 11.
  64. Singo asks two prickly questions,” The Sun-Herald, October 12, 1980, p. 69.
  65. Singo says Lang Hancock violated Australia’s 11th commandment: Thou Shalt Not Succeed — John Singleton, “KEEP ON FIGHTING,” Daily Mirror, January 7, 1981, p. 11.
  66. Harry Robinson, “Singo’s lingo an ocker shocker,” The SMH See-Hear, March 9, 1981, p. 1, in The Sydney Morning Herald of that date.
  67. John Singleton on his TV career for Australian Playboy — John Singleton, “My own ‘brilliant’ career (so far),” Australian Playboy, April 1981, pp. 61-65.
  68. Bob Carr in 1981 on John Singleton’s political bent — Bob Carr, “Complaints end up on compost heap as profits rise,” The Bulletin, December 15, 1981, pp. 30-32.
  69. John Singleton. Horseracing. Why? — John Singleton, “Inside the turf dream,” The Bulletin, July 20, 1982, pp. 44-48.
  70. John Singleton on Political Advertising — John Singleton, “A brand new market leader,” The Bulletin, March 15, 1983, pp. 26-28.
  71. John Singleton, “Come back Bob — It was all in fun!,” Matilda, May 1985, pp. 14-15. On Bob Askin’s friendship with John Singleton and a good libertarian take on corruption and vice.
  72. John Singleton, “Not a bad time to make a comeback,” Australian Business, October 30, 1985, p. 143. On his return to advertising after eight years.
  73. John Singleton, “Save Parramatta Road,” Australian Business, November 13, 1985, p. 162. Mocking Heritage Orders and supporting Hugh Morgan.
  74. John Singleton got sacked for telling the truth about Medicare — John Singleton Advertising full page ad for Western District Health Fund, The Sydney Morning Herald, April 2, 1986, p. 11.
  75. John Singleton, “Meat’s future on the chopping block,” Australian Business, April 23, 1986, p. 125. Starring Sinclair Hill.
  76. Singo in 1987: “Joh doesn’t go far enough … I want absolute deregulation of the economy” — Harry Robinson, “The larrikin grows up,” The Sydney Morning Herald, February 28, 1987, p. 41.
  77. John Singleton on why he did the Hawke re-election campaign — John Singleton, “Singo returns the slings and arrows,” Times on Sunday, August 2, 1987, p. 16.
  78. Did John Singleton oppose the mining industry and privatising healthcare in 1990? — John Singleton, “Labor’s Hard Sell,” The Independent Monthly, April 1990, pp. 3-4; and Leon Gettler, “John Singleton is expected to join Fairfax board,” The Age, December 26, 1991, p. 5.
  79. John Singleton on elections: “a Massive One-Day Sale!” — Neal Travis, “How to revel in hard times, by John Singleton,” The Bulletin, September 4, 1990, pp. 126-27.
  80. Why John Singleton Defends Smokers Rights — Ruth Ostrow, “Singo fights for game, not money,” The Australian, November 18, 1991, p. 4; and John Singleton, “Singo’s smokin’ gun,” Australian Business Monthly, February 1992, pp. 64-66.

(g.) Other Bob Howard writings

  1. Bob Howard in Reason 1974-77
  2. Bob Howard, “The Road to Where?,” Libertarian Optimism: Newsletter of the Progress Party of New South Wales, March, 1978, p. 1-2. Excerpt: “For the first time in Australian history (to my knowledge), this country has an explicit libertarian movement. That in itself is a quite extraordinary fact. For the first time, the classical liberal heritage — the ideology of men like Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Jefferson and Tom Paine — has found expression in a serious political movement in this country.”
  3. Bob Howard, “Up the Workers!: they stood for legalised drugs, no taxation, abolition of government welfare and free education … but somehow the libertarians lost their head,” Australian Playboy, May, 1979, pp. 105-10.
  4. Bob Howard, “The Discipline of Necessity,” The Optimist, July-August, 1985, p. 9.

(h.) Historic John Singleton video